Privacy & Policy

Your Data Matters: Understanding How We Safeguard Your Privacy

Welcome to our Privacy Policy Page! At Jewelry Box Guru, we believe in the importance of safeguarding your personal data and respecting your privacy. We have created this comprehensive F.A.Q. to address the inquiries of our valued readers regarding how we handle and utilize their information. Transparency is key to us, and we want you to feel confident and informed about the way we collect, process, and protect your data. Rest assured, your trust is of utmost significance, and we are committed to ensuring that your personal information remains secure while providing you with a seamless and enjoyable experience on Jewelry Box Guru. If you have any further questions or wish to delve into the finer details, please refer to our full Privacy Policy for more information.

Why do we collect (and use) my data?

At Jewelry Box Guru, our ultimate goal is to provide our readers with an unparalleled experience across all platforms. This entails understanding certain aspects of our readership. For instance, gaining insights into the articles you read allows us to grasp your interests better. These insights, in turn, enable us to curate the types of articles we present to you in specific sections of our app or website. Rest assured, this article selection process remains guided by our journalistic judgment and has minimal impact on significant portions of the app or site.

It’s essential to highlight that Jewelry Box Guru primarily relies on subscriptions and advertising as its primary sources of funding. As such, both functions necessitate the utilization of readers’ data. For instance, we leverage this data to identify potential subscribers and display Jewelry Box Guru ads on other websites that might interest you. Additionally, our advertisers rely on reader data to ensure their ads reach the right target audiences effectively.

What type of data is collected about me when I’m accessing Jewelry Box Guru?

Jewelry Box Guru gathers various types of data based on the different services you utilize. The data collection process can be classified into two main categories: direct and indirect. Direct data collection occurs when you actively provide information to us. For instance, when you sign up for a Jewelry Box Guru account, you willingly share your email address, allowing us to set up and customize your experience.

On the other hand, indirect data collection happens passively as you engage with our website or applications. Our tracking technologies observe and gather data related to your reading behavior, such as the articles you peruse or the frequency of your visits to Jewelry Box Guru. Furthermore, third-party advertisers collect behavioral data associated with the ads displayed on our site or apps. Additionally, we obtain data about our readers from various sources, including privately owned databases and social media platforms.

What does Jewelry Box Guru do with data it collects on me?

At Jewelry Box Guru, we utilize this information to tailor our journalism and other services to suit your preferences, such as providing personalized story recommendations that align with your interests. The data we utilize varies depending on the specific service you use and the manner in which you access it. Additionally, we leverage your data to enhance your overall experience, encompassing customized marketing and advertising efforts.

How are you keeping my data safe?

We have established comprehensive organizational, technological, and physical security measures to safeguard our readers’ data internally. Our unwavering commitment lies in continuously enhancing and updating these protective measures to ensure the utmost protection of your valuable information.

Does Jewelry Box Guru support the Global Privacy Control (GPC)?


If we identify a GPC signal originating from a reader’s browser and it falls under the scope of GDPR, CCPA, or a comparable privacy law, we halt the sharing of the reader’s personal data with external companies online (except for our service providers).

For further information about GPC and how to enable it in your browser, please visit the Global Privacy Control website.